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Internal compliance supercharged by technology – Is it too good to be true?
Datricks Solution Achieves Certification with SAP NetWeaver®
Trend Audit: The Internal Audit Trends of 2021
To Be Continued: 4 Examples of How Continuous Compliance Can Rock Your World
The future of internal audit software: why virtual-first still wins in an RTO world
Traditional audits are outdated in almost every way. The modern, AI-powered Financial Integrity platform from Datricks enables continuous control, without needing a physical presence in every audit location.
Leverage risk management enterprise software to uncover exposure
Today’s CFO has more ground to cover than ever before. With exposures threatening from almost all processes, Datricks’ risk management enterprise software is critical to eliminate exposure and ensure Financial Integrity.
SoD violation detection: software for compliance management
Segregation of Duties (SoD) is a critical control. It’s also the area where exposures are highly likely to occur. By implementing software for compliance management from Datricks, organizations can ensure ongoing compliance.
The next bell ringing could be your wakeup call for SOX compliance
After an IPO, finance and audit teams can quickly get swamped with SOX compliance and other compliance issues. By implementing a Financial Integrity platform, organizations can manage this process more efficiently.
UK SOX and sudit reform: ensure compliance
With UK SOX and audit reforms becoming a reality, companies must act fast. Discover how Datricks offers autonomous, real-time control over financial operations, ensuring constant compliance.